Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Recommended Reading

Your wedding is just the beginning of the marriage. We love capturing great images at weddings; I have recently felt an urge to share the following resources with our past and future clients - or just blog readers! As a married father of 3 young boys, these resources have all made an impact in my life as well as many of our friends and family. Whether you are single, recently married, engaged, or married for 50 years, I think you will find something very useful in any of these resources. I believe the world is a better place with solid family structures. Take a peek if you get a chance!
1. The Five Love Languages (great for everyone!)
2. Take Back Your Marriage - Sticking Together in a World that Pulls Us Apart (when you have been married for a bit)
3. All Pro Dad (for fathers)
4. iMom (for mothers)

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